Like the internet and GPS before them, drones are evolving beyond their military origin to become powerful business tools. They’ve already made the leap to the consumer market, and now they’re being put to work in commercial and civil government applications from firefighting to farming. That’s creating a market opportunity that’s too large to ignore.

The fastest growth opportunity comes from businesses and civil governments. They’re just beginning to explore the possibilities, but Goldman Sachs Research expects they’ll spend $13 billion on drones between now and 2020, putting thousands of them in the sky.

With the evolution of regulations, we see drones headed for new heights in the business world. The same safety, efficiency and cost benefits that appeal to the military make drones attractive for a wide range of business and civil government functions. The $100 billion market opportunity forecast by Goldman Sachs Research over the next five years is just the tip of the iceberg. Drones’ full economic potential is likely to be multiple times that number, as their ripple effects reverberate through the economy.

ONEFIVE is committed to helping our clients understand the potential and opportunities surrounding drone automation deployments, including integration with Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning applications.

Contact a member of our team to discuss how we can help uncover opportunities to enhance and optimize your business and infrastructure operations.